Recent content by king1138

  1. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    The truck bashing here always makes me laugh. I actually own a deleted diesel crew cab Super Duty... that went over 2,000 miles towing last year hauling a 25' camper, three kids, two dogs, and the wife. The only real benefit I have over those coal rolling bro-dozer douche bags, is I'm stock...
  2. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Thankfully I had a third candidate who did make an effort to be presentable.
  3. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    My last round of interviews I had two candidates come in with dirty t-shirts and jeans. Who TF can't even put on a clean t-shirt for a damn job interview?
  4. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

  5. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Nah, their resale value is terrible...
  6. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Agreed! Absolutely amazing drive.
  7. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Wow, you're up in my neck of the woods! Most people don't even acknowledge the existence of Wyoming except for Yellowstone...
  8. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Has anyone here seen the new Mini Cooper S interior? WTF??
  9. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    No, but it's right around the corner from my work so it's easy to snap a few pics from time to time. They spray over it in black and put up new art about once a year, pretty cool stuff.
  10. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    As a former dealership tech, I can verify with certainty that warranty time is NOT how long it takes. At least not for the first 10 or so times on a job. After you've done a few, maybe you can make a few minutes profit. Maybe.
  11. king1138

    Book Recommendations - What are you Reading

    I just finished that book few weeks ago, what an interesting read. I liked it a lot.
  12. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    I used to have a B&M metal shifter handle in a third gen Camaro with t-tops. The t-tops would magnify the heat from the sun and heat up that shifter to molten magma temps. I had to keep a rag in the console to shift on sunny days, even in the winter. Do not recommend.
  13. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    So does every professional automotive shop in the country, haha. Those allen holding fixtures are garbage if there's even a little rust.
  14. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    Maybe I could even get her to pay for half of it out of her allowance :unsure:
  15. king1138

    CSB3: Rice Buys A Minivan

    That's some excellent step-by-step guide. Thankfully, I have been able to keep my temper with her while she is learning (which is more than I can say for my wife, who my daughter describes as "dramatic", haha). I also know I'll be needing a clutch soon anyway, so if she burns out the clutch or...