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  1. gotti


    It would appear the .:R community has lost one of its own way to early in life, floating around Facebook is that Felix, 31 has passed. I gave this guy a bunch of gotti in life but to be honest, he had a great set up with the air and will be sadly missed...take care buddy, goodbye.
  2. gotti


  3. gotti

    Just a quick pic...

    The app from Android is called Pixlr-o-matic...makes crappy cell phone pics better...
  4. gotti

    I know...

    this is gonna get locked and deleted...I know I ranted about it in the tex too but I HATE FLOYD MAYWEATHER...Boxing was treading a line and Floyd just sunk it...I hope HBO drops him like a bad habit...
  5. gotti

    Just a minute... it and say thanks to someone in the service, this is our V-day...
  6. gotti

    So yeah...

    Hi Y'all...:cool:
  7. gotti

    Sunroof add... I got the same letter yesterday. I was gonna add but guess i'm late...
  8. gotti

    found something

    As the title says, but it is .:R32 related, funny as hell(pun intended), and I could care less if it's been posted already... Full screen it, turn volume up...
  9. gotti

    Build thread for gotti, be warned...

    Soooo my tax return came in and I wanted to add some stuff to the .:R and some DIY maint. I'm taking the .:R to Mesa, AZ next week to see the Cubs at spring training, that's about a 4k mile round trip, just under. All this was really easy, some I even did at work with no tools. If anyone has any...