The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


The Fixer
Bro says the majority of diseases we vaccinate for resolve themselves in a week.
Um, no.
Um, yes. Take the time to look them up like I did. Then we'll talk. The perceived benefit does not outweigh the actual risk.


Autocross Champion
SoCal, USA
Um, yes. Take the time to look them up like I did. Then we'll talk. The perceived benefit does not outweigh the actual risk.
I've looked up quite a few, and don't see what you're speaking to. Care to share your list of diseases that resolve themselves in a week with no additional harm to the infected that we currently vaccinate for?


Autocross Champion
SoCal, USA
14 Diseases we've nearly forgotten about due to vaccines...

#1. Polio
Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease that is caused by poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person’s brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Polio was eliminated in the United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio vaccine has kept this country polio-free. But, polio is still a threat in some other countries. Making sure that infants and children are vaccinated is the best way to prevent polio from returning. Make sure your baby is protected with the polio vaccine.
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the polio vaccine (also called IPV). Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Polio

#2. Tetanus
Tetanus causes painful muscle stiffness and lockjaw and can be fatal. Parents used to warn kids about tetanus every time we scratched, scraped, poked, or sliced ourselves on something metal. Nowadays, the tetanus vaccine is part of a disease-fighting vaccine called DTaP, which provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Tetanus

#3. The Flu (Influenza)
Flu is a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. Flu can affect people differently based on their immune system, age, and health. Did you know that flu can be dangerous for children of any age? Flu symptoms in children can include coughing, fever, aches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea. Every year in the United States, otherwise healthy children are hospitalized or die from flu complications. CDC estimates that since 2010, flu-related hospitalizations among children younger than 5 years have ranged from 7,000 to 26,000 in the United States. It’s important to know that children younger than 6 months are more likely to end up in the hospital from flu, but are too young to get a flu vaccine. The best way to protect babies against flu is for the mother to get a flu vaccine during pregnancy and for all caregivers and close contacts of the infant to be vaccinated. Everyone 6 months and older needs a flu vaccine every year.
Doctors recommend that your child get the flu vaccine every year starting when they are 6 months old. Children younger than 9 years old who are getting vaccinated for the first time need two doses of flu vaccine, spaced at least 28 days apart.
Learn More About Flu
Hepatitis B

#4. Hepatitis B
Did you know that worldwide more than 780,000 people per year die from complications to Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is spread through blood or other bodily fluids. It’s especially dangerous for babies, since the hepatitis B virus can spread from an infected mother to child during birth. About nine out of every 10 infants who contract it from their mothers become chronically infected, which is why babies should get the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth. All pregnant women should be tested and all babies should be vaccinated.
Doctors recommend that your child get three doses of the Hepatitis B shot for best protection. Typically, your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A

#5. Hepatitis A
The Hepatitis A vaccine was developed in 1995 and since then has cut the number of cases dramatically in the United States. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease and is transmitted through person-to-person contact or through contaminated food and water. Vaccinating against hepatitis A is a good way to help your baby stay Hep A-free and healthy!
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the hepatitis A vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hepatitis A

#6. Rubella
Rubella is spread by coughing and sneezing. It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman and her developing baby. If an unvaccinated pregnant woman gets infected with rubella, she can have a miscarriage or her baby could die just after birth. Also, she can pass the disease to her developing baby who can develop serious birth defects. Make sure you and your child are protected from rubella by getting vaccinated on schedule.
Doctors recommend that your child get two shots of the MMR vaccine. Your child should get one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Rubella

#7. Hib
Hib (or its official name, Haemophilus influenzae type b) isn’t as well-known as some of the other diseases, thanks to vaccines. Hib can do some serious damage to our a child’s immune systems and cause brain damage, hearing loss, or even death. Hib mostly affects kids under five years old. Before the vaccine, over 20,000 kids were infected each year. That’s about 400 yellow school busses worth of kids! Of these kids, one in five suffered brain damage or became deaf. Even with treatment, as many as one out of 20 kids with Hib meningitis dies. Get your child vaccinated to help them beat the odds!
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the Hib vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hib

#8. Measles
Did you know your child can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been, even up to two hours after that person has left? Measles is very contagious, and it can be serious, especially for young children. Because measles is common in other parts of the world, unvaccinated people can get measles while traveling and bring it into the United States. Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk, so make sure to stay up to date on your child’s vaccines.
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the MMR vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Infants 6 to 11 months old should have one dose of the MMR shot before traveling abroad. Infants vaccinated before 12 months of age should be revaccinated on or after their first birthday with two doses, each dose separated by at least 28 days.
Learn More About Measles
Whooping Cough

#9. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that can be deadly for babies. Whooping cough can cause uncontrollable, violent coughing, which often makes it hard to breathe. Its “whooping” name comes from the sharp breath intake sound right after a coughing fit. In babies, this disease also can cause life-threatening pauses in breathing with no cough at all. Whooping cough is especially dangerous to babies who are too young to be vaccinated themselves. Mothers should get the whooping cough vaccine during each pregnancy to pass some protection to their babies before birth. It is very important for your baby to get the whooping cough vaccine on time so he can start building his own protection against the disease. Since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases of whooping cough were reported each year in the United States, with cases reported in every state.
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Whooping Cough

#10. Pneumococcal Disease
This disease is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae. It causes ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, and even meningitis, making it very dangerous for children. The germs can invade parts of the body—like the brain or spinal cord—that are normally free from germs. Make sure you keep kids safe from this dangerous disease by vaccinating.
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (also called PCV13). One dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Pneumococcal Disease

#11. Rotavirus
Rotavirus is contagious and can cause severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain, mostly in infants and young children. Children can become severely dehydrated from the disease and need to be hospitalized. If a dehydrated child does not get needed care, they could die. Rotavirus is one of the first vaccines an infant can get; it’s the best way to protect your child from rotavirus disease.
Doctors recommend that your child get two or three doses of the vaccine (depending on the brand).
Learn More About Rotavirus

#12. Mumps
Mumps is best known for causing puffy cheeks and a swollen jaw. This is due to swelling of the salivary glands. Other symptoms include fever, head and muscle aches, and tiredness. Mumps is a contagious disease and there is no treatment. Mumps is still a threat today—every year, people in the United States get mumps. In recent years, mumps outbreaks have occurred in settings where there was close, extended contact with infected people, such as being in the same classroom or playing on the same sports team. The MMR vaccine protects you and your family against mumps, measles, and rubella.
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the MMR shot Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Mumps

#13. Chickenpox
Chickenpox is a disease that causes an itchy rash of blisters and a fever. A person with chickenpox may have a lot of blisters—as many as 500 all over their body. Chickenpox can be serious and even life-threatening, especially in babies, adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Even healthy children can get really sick. Vaccinating kids at an early age is especially important to keep your children healthy.
Doctors recommend that your child get two chickenpox shots. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Chickenpox

#14. Diphtheria
Most of us only know diphtheria as an obscure disease from long ago, thanks to the diphtheria vaccine babies get. This vaccine, called DTaP, provides protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). While preventable, diphtheria does still exist. It can cause a thick covering in the back of the nose or throat that makes it hard to breathe or swallow. Diphtheria can also lead to heart failure, paralysis, and even death. Make sure to vaccinate to help keep this dangerous infection from your kids.
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Diphtheria


The Fixer
I trust the CDC as much as gas station sushi, but thanks for sharing. You know they make money on various vaccine patents and whistleblowers have said they've destroyed damning documents? Other CDC whistleblowers found floating in the river. Nothing to see here...
Try finding info on those diseases from an UNBIASED source and you'll see what I'm talking about.


Autocross Champion
SoCal, USA
I trust the CDC as much as gas station sushi, but thanks for sharing. You know they make money on various vaccine patents and whistleblowers have said they've destroyed damning documents? Other CDC whistleblowers found floating in the river. Nothing to see here...
Yet you quote the CDC to fit your point.. Cognitive dissonance at it's finest ladies and gentlemen.

Some of our grandparents did survive, us being here is a testament to that. Though that leads to survivor bias, just because some of them lived doesn't mean they all did and it's safe..

Anyhow. I think people like Zrickety will lead to the next great culling. We as a global species are long overdue. The black plague killed 75million - 200 million people, granted the global population was between 395 and 450ish million people at that time. We can now treat it with antibiotics. Think of how much more affordable things will be, and how much further science could progress with we knocked off over half of the idiots on this blue marble.


Autocross Champion
I don’t understand why wearing a mask got politicized. Nor do I get why it’s ok to try and sacrifice that small % of folks who are at most risk.

America truly eats its people. I take a few steps back and look at this and think “wow I took a bullet in the leg in some country I never heard of for this?”


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
I've looked up quite a few, and don't see what you're speaking to. Care to share your list of diseases that resolve themselves in a week with no additional harm to the infected that we currently vaccinate for?

I had measles, mumps and chicken pox when I was 6 years old with no lasting damage.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
14 Diseases we've nearly forgotten about due to vaccines...

#1. Polio
Polio is a crippling and potentially deadly infectious disease that is caused by poliovirus. The virus spreads from person to person and can invade an infected person’s brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Polio was eliminated in the United States with vaccination, and continued use of polio vaccine has kept this country polio-free. But, polio is still a threat in some other countries. Making sure that infants and children are vaccinated is the best way to prevent polio from returning. Make sure your baby is protected with the polio vaccine.
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the polio vaccine (also called IPV). Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Polio

#2. Tetanus
Tetanus causes painful muscle stiffness and lockjaw and can be fatal. Parents used to warn kids about tetanus every time we scratched, scraped, poked, or sliced ourselves on something metal. Nowadays, the tetanus vaccine is part of a disease-fighting vaccine called DTaP, which provides protection against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough).
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Tetanus

#3. The Flu (Influenza)
Flu is a respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus that infects the nose, throat, and lungs. Flu can affect people differently based on their immune system, age, and health. Did you know that flu can be dangerous for children of any age? Flu symptoms in children can include coughing, fever, aches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea. Every year in the United States, otherwise healthy children are hospitalized or die from flu complications. CDC estimates that since 2010, flu-related hospitalizations among children younger than 5 years have ranged from 7,000 to 26,000 in the United States. It’s important to know that children younger than 6 months are more likely to end up in the hospital from flu, but are too young to get a flu vaccine. The best way to protect babies against flu is for the mother to get a flu vaccine during pregnancy and for all caregivers and close contacts of the infant to be vaccinated. Everyone 6 months and older needs a flu vaccine every year.
Doctors recommend that your child get the flu vaccine every year starting when they are 6 months old. Children younger than 9 years old who are getting vaccinated for the first time need two doses of flu vaccine, spaced at least 28 days apart.
Learn More About Flu
Hepatitis B

#4. Hepatitis B
Did you know that worldwide more than 780,000 people per year die from complications to Hepatitis B? Hepatitis B is spread through blood or other bodily fluids. It’s especially dangerous for babies, since the hepatitis B virus can spread from an infected mother to child during birth. About nine out of every 10 infants who contract it from their mothers become chronically infected, which is why babies should get the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine shortly after birth. All pregnant women should be tested and all babies should be vaccinated.
Doctors recommend that your child get three doses of the Hepatitis B shot for best protection. Typically, your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hepatitis B
Hepatitis A

#5. Hepatitis A
The Hepatitis A vaccine was developed in 1995 and since then has cut the number of cases dramatically in the United States. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease and is transmitted through person-to-person contact or through contaminated food and water. Vaccinating against hepatitis A is a good way to help your baby stay Hep A-free and healthy!
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the hepatitis A vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hepatitis A

#6. Rubella
Rubella is spread by coughing and sneezing. It is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman and her developing baby. If an unvaccinated pregnant woman gets infected with rubella, she can have a miscarriage or her baby could die just after birth. Also, she can pass the disease to her developing baby who can develop serious birth defects. Make sure you and your child are protected from rubella by getting vaccinated on schedule.
Doctors recommend that your child get two shots of the MMR vaccine. Your child should get one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Rubella

#7. Hib
Hib (or its official name, Haemophilus influenzae type b) isn’t as well-known as some of the other diseases, thanks to vaccines. Hib can do some serious damage to our a child’s immune systems and cause brain damage, hearing loss, or even death. Hib mostly affects kids under five years old. Before the vaccine, over 20,000 kids were infected each year. That’s about 400 yellow school busses worth of kids! Of these kids, one in five suffered brain damage or became deaf. Even with treatment, as many as one out of 20 kids with Hib meningitis dies. Get your child vaccinated to help them beat the odds!
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the Hib vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Hib

#8. Measles
Did you know your child can get measles just by being in a room where a person with measles has been, even up to two hours after that person has left? Measles is very contagious, and it can be serious, especially for young children. Because measles is common in other parts of the world, unvaccinated people can get measles while traveling and bring it into the United States. Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk, so make sure to stay up to date on your child’s vaccines.
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the MMR vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Infants 6 to 11 months old should have one dose of the MMR shot before traveling abroad. Infants vaccinated before 12 months of age should be revaccinated on or after their first birthday with two doses, each dose separated by at least 28 days.
Learn More About Measles
Whooping Cough

#9. Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious disease that can be deadly for babies. Whooping cough can cause uncontrollable, violent coughing, which often makes it hard to breathe. Its “whooping” name comes from the sharp breath intake sound right after a coughing fit. In babies, this disease also can cause life-threatening pauses in breathing with no cough at all. Whooping cough is especially dangerous to babies who are too young to be vaccinated themselves. Mothers should get the whooping cough vaccine during each pregnancy to pass some protection to their babies before birth. It is very important for your baby to get the whooping cough vaccine on time so he can start building his own protection against the disease. Since 2010, between 15,000 and 50,000 cases of whooping cough were reported each year in the United States, with cases reported in every state.
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Whooping Cough

#10. Pneumococcal Disease
This disease is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae. It causes ear infections, sinus infections, pneumonia, and even meningitis, making it very dangerous for children. The germs can invade parts of the body—like the brain or spinal cord—that are normally free from germs. Make sure you keep kids safe from this dangerous disease by vaccinating.
Doctors recommend that your child get four doses of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (also called PCV13). One dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Pneumococcal Disease

#11. Rotavirus
Rotavirus is contagious and can cause severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain, mostly in infants and young children. Children can become severely dehydrated from the disease and need to be hospitalized. If a dehydrated child does not get needed care, they could die. Rotavirus is one of the first vaccines an infant can get; it’s the best way to protect your child from rotavirus disease.
Doctors recommend that your child get two or three doses of the vaccine (depending on the brand).
Learn More About Rotavirus

#12. Mumps
Mumps is best known for causing puffy cheeks and a swollen jaw. This is due to swelling of the salivary glands. Other symptoms include fever, head and muscle aches, and tiredness. Mumps is a contagious disease and there is no treatment. Mumps is still a threat today—every year, people in the United States get mumps. In recent years, mumps outbreaks have occurred in settings where there was close, extended contact with infected people, such as being in the same classroom or playing on the same sports team. The MMR vaccine protects you and your family against mumps, measles, and rubella.
Doctors recommend that your child get two doses of the MMR shot Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Mumps

Chickenpox is a disease that causes an itchy rash of blisters and a fever. A person with chickenpox may have a lot of blisters—as many as 500 all over their body. Chickenpox can be serious and even life-threatening, especially in babies, adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Even healthy children can get really sick. Vaccinating kids at an early age is especially important to keep your children healthy.
Doctors recommend that your child get two chickenpox shots. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Chickenpox

#14. Diphtheria
Most of us only know diphtheria as an obscure disease from long ago, thanks to the diphtheria vaccine babies get. This vaccine, called DTaP, provides protection against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). While preventable, diphtheria does still exist. It can cause a thick covering in the back of the nose or throat that makes it hard to breathe or swallow. Diphtheria can also lead to heart failure, paralysis, and even death. Make sure to vaccinate to help keep this dangerous infection from your kids.
Doctors recommend that your child get five doses of the DTaP vaccine. Your child will need one dose at each of the following ages:
Learn More About Diphtheria

The flu vaccine doesn't necessarily belong in your list since they guess yearly on which strain will be going around plus it's not a one time vaccine.


Autocross Champion
SoCal, USA
The flu vaccine doesn't necessarily belong in your list since they guess yearly on which strain will be going around plus it's not a one time vaccine.
The reason for that is due to the high mutation rate of the Flu. Which is why the Flu vaccine every year can be hit or miss, as they are generally attempting to predict what version of the Flu it will be. types of,global epidemics of flu disease.