The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
A car

No, you just assumed I was going down a path, then attempted to engage in that argument. I never jumped into the straw purchase debate since is there is no such “straw purchase law”. It’s a legal concept describing a type of purchase which is open to debate.

I mentioned lying on the 4473, which both dip shits admitted to under oath. If you want to call that a straw purchase, that’s on you.

Maybe this article will help you out:


Autocross Champion
So what are you for? No law stating guns should be secured, or that they should? You kinda flip-flopped on that one.
You failed at reading comprehension there. I said people should be accountable for their firearms. Individuals should decide whether they need to lock them up or not. That isn't a flip flop.


Autocross Champion
Slow FWD VW Hatch
No, you just assumed I was going down a path, then attempted to engage in that argument. I never jumped into the straw purchase debate since is there is no such “straw purchase law”. It’s a legal concept describing a type of purchase which is open to debate.

I mentioned lying on the 4473, which both dip shits admitted to under oath. If you want to call that a straw purchase, that’s on you.

Maybe this article will help you out:
You are either trolling or too stupid to be reasoned with. Either way not worth the time


Autocross Champion
A car
Why? If a person owns a firearm, they should be responsible for it whether it's locked up or not. The nanny state doesn't need to make a law requiring people to render their guns useless behind a lock, when an individual responsibility law would suffice. The only exception would be if said firearm was reported stolen. I assume you're talking about the school shooting in Michigan. If so, then yes, in that case it would appear the parents are partially at fault, at least according to my above individual responsibility law.

This is the part I mistook for flip flopping. Since you reference the nanny state not making laws. A “personal responsibility law,” to me, would be a law stating one should be responsible for their fire arms. That is, have kids or kids around, lock the fucking things up. It’s just common sense to me. 🤷‍♂️


Autocross Champion
This is the part I mistook for flip flopping. Since you reference the nanny state not making laws. A “personal responsibility law,” to me, would be a law stating one should be responsible for their fire arms. That is, have kids or kids around, lock the fucking things up. It’s just common sense to me. 🤷‍♂️
I mean, if that's what needs to happen for those people, maybe. My point is that a "lock your guns up" law won't really solve the problem. If anything, it potentially absolves people of being responsible for what they own. "But I had them behind lock, it's not my fault my kid figured out the combo / found the key"


Autocross Champion
A car
Sounds pretty common sense. All my guns are locked away when not on my hip.

I agree it’s common sense, and I support any law requiring it.

That said, isn’t it mandated in CA?

I mean, if that's what needs to happen for those people, maybe. My point is that a "lock your guns up" law won't really solve the problem. If anything, it potentially absolves people of being responsible for what they own. "But I had them behind lock, it's not my fault my kid figured out the combo / found the key"

I wouldn’t say it absolves them of blame, I would argue that it makes them more liable If anything. Maybe the law would force them into doing what any responsible gun owner should be doing already? What’s that the MAGA people chant, “LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP!”

I’m happy the parents of that dumb ass kid in MI are being charged too.


Autocross Champion
I agree it’s common sense, and I support any law requiring it.

That said, isn’t it mandated in CA?

I wouldn’t say it absolves them of blame, I would argue that it makes them more liable If anything. Maybe the law would force them into doing what any responsible gun owner should be doing already? What’s that the MAGA people chant, “LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP!”

I’m happy the parents of that dumb ass kid in MI are being charged too.
While I applaud your commitment to mocking polemic platitudes, I'm not entirely sure you understand the concept of liability. I'm talking about actual responsibility, which is different. Either way, I'm not sure that any law can force responsibility, but it can retroactively enforce it.


Go Kart Newbie
GMC, VW Wkendr, mk7
The biggest question in my mind.... why arent we testing for natural immunity? If we knew how many people have natural immunity + vax immunity, wouldn't we know if the vax is working to mitigate spread? Otherwise, without this data set, I think were making decisions based on incomplete data.... for the last two years (almost.)

I need someone smarter than I to explain why this set of data isn't important to vaccine effectiveness at mitigation of the virus.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
I agree it’s common sense, and I support any law requiring it.

That said, isn’t it mandated in CA?

I wouldn’t say it absolves them of blame, I would argue that it makes them more liable If anything. Maybe the law would force them into doing what any responsible gun owner should be doing already? What’s that the MAGA people chant, “LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP!”

I’m happy the parents of that dumb ass kid in MI are being charged too.
Not sure. I keep my guns in a safe because i don't want them lying around in case my house gets sacked.