Recent content by jUAN_doLLaZ

  1. J

    Introductions thread (Part 2)

    Out here in Massachusetts. Love my car even if it is a money pit. I have a lot of subtle unique mods and more to come!!
  2. J

    VW Golf MkV GTi with ET35

    i believe the rear will be tight depending on the camber degree and the fronts will rub on turns, and make u cringe when u hit a bump in a turn. obviously fender rolling/pulling in front will help alleviate the issue and or camber plates/adjustable ball joints oh and width of rim over tire...
  3. J

    Rain Tray/ Windshield Cowl and Fresh Air Intake Manifold

    How did it go? Was it simply removing wipers and prying at edge?
  4. J

    Introductions thread (Part 2)

    Hello all, My name is juan from massachusetts and I cant stop spending money on my baby!!
  5. J

    Need help with headlights please!

    When I first bought my gti it was used and ridden rough and the lights were horrendous. I guess the previous owner had changed the bulbs... , I'm gonna assume, without removing the headlights and went by "feel." Needless to say the light was not installed correctly and had crappy output. I...
  6. J

    Antenna wiring identification

    Hello, Recently I've stripped down my trunk area in order to adjust my hatch latch so that it formed a better seal and the body lines lined up better. What I've noticed is that my radio reception is notably better, always having been trash as far as I can remeber with the car always having an...