The COVID19 SCAMdemic... May 2024 Colder Than May 1987 - Climate Change Is A Hoax


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
And what was the cost of startup compared to average salary back then? Was the ratio anywhere near what it is today? No. Would you be able to do the same today with the same startup cost ratio that you invested?

To quote your boy zrick... It's simple math dude.

Of course not but that wasn't the point. I started that business without being subsidized or supported by anyone. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?

And how did zrick become my boy when I hardly agree with anything he says?


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
And did you build the roads and rail system the gas was transported on? Could you have turned a profit without the MASSIVE oil and gas subsidies we've had in place for over a 100 years that built all the refineries and infrastructure that allowed the product you sold to exist at a profitable price? Did you employ private security to make sure your station wasn't robbed or did the socialist police and fire departments protect your business? Who educated your employees? Who insured the bank you used? Did you incorporate? If so, society allowed you to separate your personal assets from the business in case your business failed. Society literally gave you the ability to take on the risk of owning a business and absorbs the cost of those that fail. I could spend the rest of the day listing all the things that you didn't do that allowed you to succeed. Government and society made everything about your business possible, but sure, you did it ALL BY YOURSELF. Never mind the hundreds of millions in taxes spent every year in our country that allows businesses to operate efficiently, have access to courts, open sea lanes, education, police, fire, banking oversight, etc, etc, was all boot strappy Jim that did it.

Insert worlds largest facepalm here.

All that crap completely misses the point. I started that business without being subsidized. By your definition there's no business that wasn't subsidized. If my business would have failed the only entity it would have cost is me. Society wouldn't have lost a penny because I failed which I didn't. My then wife and I ran the business working 7 days a week including holidays for a year until the business started to grow and I could hire employees.

All the things you mentioned are a function of society that I paid my share of taxes to support. They are not subsidies.
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Autocross Champion
All that crap completely misses the point. I started that business without being subsidized. By your definition there's no business that wasn't subsidized. If my business would have failed the only entity it would have cost is me. Society wouldn't have lost a penny because I failed which I didn't. My then wife and I ran the business working 7 days a week including holidays for a year until the business started to grow and I could hire employees.

All the things you mentioned are a function of society that I paid my share of taxes to support. They are not subsidies.

Ding, ding, ding, you're so close to getting it.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma
Of course not but that wasn't the point. I started that business without being subsidized or supported by anyone. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?
You're missing the point entirely. There were forces at play back then that allowed you to do so by keeping cost to income ratios reasonable, those have gone out the window nowadays making it very difficult for people to do the same. That's the definition of being subsidized.

And how did zrick become my boy when I hardly agree with anything he says?
Because like him, you don't seem to understand things after explaining it many times. Maybe the 17th time is the charm...but I doubt it.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
You're missing the point entirely. There were forces at play back then that allowed you to do so by keeping cost to income ratios reasonable, those have gone out the window nowadays making it very difficult for people to do the same. That's the definition of being subsidized.

Because like him, you don't seem to understand things after explaining it many times. Maybe the 17th time is the charm...but I doubt it.

Jay because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't get it. It means we disagree. I do agree that it was easier based on the cost of living when I did it the first time but that doesn't take away from my accomplishments.

Had I failed it wouldn't have cost society a penny.


Autocross Champion
Jay because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't get it. It means we disagree. I do agree that it was easier based on the cost of living when I did it the first time but that doesn't take away from my accomplishments.

Had I failed it wouldn't have cost society a penny.

You can't just disagree that you live in society and that society helped create everything about your business success. If what you believed were true, you'd have been just as successful opening your business in Somalia.

If you'd failed, your business debts would have been discharged in bankruptcy. Do you think there's no cost to society? You don't think that banks charge more interest to cover the losses from bankruptcies and pass that cost onto everyone else?

You really do think you live in a bubble that you created. You don't.


What Would Glenn Danzig Do
Slightly Outside Chicago
Mk6 racecar, Tacoma
Jay because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I don't get it. It means we disagree. I do agree that it was easier based on the cost of living when I did it the first time but that doesn't take away from my accomplishments.

Had I failed it wouldn't have cost society a penny.
We can disagree and that's fine. One of us is wrong and we both think it's the other person - Life is funny in the way that everyone lives in their own version of the truth (including me), however facts are facts and opinions are opinions.. We aren't discussing opinions though.

I liked the old off topic threads better where everyone discussed putting silly large turbos on silly cars that would surely blow up :p


Autocross Champion
Let's get this thread back on track.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
You can't just disagree that you live in society and that society helped create everything about your business success. If what you believed were true, you'd have been just as successful opening your business in Somalia.

If you'd failed, your business debts would have been discharged in bankruptcy. Do you think there's no cost to society? You don't think that banks charge more interest to cover the losses from bankruptcies and pass that cost onto everyone else?

You really do think you live in a bubble that you created. You don't.

Had I failed, which I didn't is just hypothetical . Had I failed I wouldn't have filed bankruptcy so I as I said it wouldn't have cost society a penny. It's worthless talking about the ifs that didn't happen.

Society did not create my success but duh I couldn't have succeeded without society. When you have a retail business or any business you have to convince society to patronize your business. I could have been a crappy business owner with a lousy business model or made bad decisions and failed. But I didn't fail because of my marketing skills as an independent gas station amongst a sea of major oil companies and I'm damn proud of that.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
We can disagree and that's fine. One of us is wrong and we both think it's the other person - Life is funny in the way that everyone lives in their own version of the truth (including me), however facts are facts and opinions are opinions.. We aren't discussing opinions though.

I liked the old off topic threads better where everyone discussed putting silly large turbos on silly cars that would surely blow up :p

Then resurrect that thread.