The COVID19 SCAMdemic... NJ Is For Haters - Godzilla Gets Married - Kamala Survives Attempted Interview


Virginia, USA
Why do insurance ads always show risky behavior?
Care to elaborate?
The garden hose snaking its way along the road
It looked like he was about to eat shit trying to throw the paper.
And yes, the kid on the bike.

Then there are stupid Liberty ads with the two cars driving next to each other with the guy holding his harm out the window handing out his business card, swerving all over the road and yelling "I can help some money"

That trend started with those "mayhem" ads - but those clearly said "this is risky behavior - don't do it"


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
The garden hose snaking its way along the road

And yes, the kid on the bike.

Then there are stupid Liberty ads with the two cars driving next to each other with the guy holding his harm out the window handing out his business card, swerving all over the road and yelling "I can help some money"

That trend started with those "mayhem" ads - but those clearly said "this is risky behavior - don't do it"
It's just a commercial. Why take it so seriously?


Autocross Champion
2016 GTI, 2018 ZL1
I agree completely. I was being sarcastic and mocking the corporate culture that I despise. Not offering separate sick leave incentivises people to come to work sick because of the meager PTO accrual. As time goes on conditions for workers will only get worse.
Several companies (all with majority salaried professional employees) have already transitioned to unlimited sick days. In almost every case, sick day usage declined. The two factors cited most are that people don't have the use-it-or-lose-it incentive for an expiring bank of days off and that because people actually stay home when sick, there are fewer illnesses overall.
There is a difference between a commercial and an insurance company commercial.
Remember the "Nationwide - your child will die" Superbowl commercial? Oof.


Virginia, USA
Several companies (all with majority salaried professional employees) have already transitioned to unlimited sick days. In almost every case, sick day usage declined. The two factors cited most are that people don't have the use-it-or-lose-it incentive for an expiring bank of days off and that because people actually stay home when sick, there are fewer illnesses overall.
Yes, the Office of Personnel Management recognized that years ago when they started crediting you with SL hours towards retirement. That stopped people from taking tons of SL before they retired.

I had almost 3000 hours of SL when I retired - that added about a year and a half to my years of service.
Remember the "Nationwide - your child will die" Superbowl commercial? Oof.
Yes, but that one, like the "Mayhem" ads, clearly said "these are bad things that can happen if you're stupid" - the new batch of ads just show stupid behavior.


Autocross Champion
2018 SE DSG
Yes, the Office of Personnel Management recognized that years ago when they started crediting you with SL hours towards retirement. That stopped people from taking tons of SL before they retired.

I had almost 3000 hours of SL when I retired - that added about a year and a half to my years of service.

Yes, but that one, like the "Mayhem" ads, clearly said "these are bad things that can happen if you're stupid" - the new batch of ads just show stupid behavior.
So you're worried that someone is going to move their house dragging the garden hose behind it?

Strange Mud

Autocross Champion
Small Town CT
one of my triggers is how they have to identify real Dr's/Patients and the like in the commercials. I see one where they flash up "not a real patient" while the actress is framing a door while I yell at TV "not a real carpenter either".

vacation/pto. For some reason (I assume tax thing?) where I work is changing from vacation days to PTO. At the moment our time clock won't show any PTO and Mgmt put up a notice saying relax we're working on it. I started the rumor that we had been hacked and the bad guys are holding all our vacation time hostage unless the company pays a ransom.


Dog Dad Wagon

Autocross Champion
Go Birds
16 Touareg TDI
I work for a private company with great PTO accrual. I’m 27, have been there since I was 17, and come October I’ll be in the 3rd PTO bucket (all time off is lumped together into generalized PTO), which is 6 weeks (up from 4.5). I also work hourly, so any week I take a random day off, I don’t have to use my PTO since I work 9-11 hour days normally.

we were also allowed to carry 2 weeks into this year so by the end of the year I will have had a total of ~ 7 weeks PTO, not including the random days I take off here and there bc I don’t feel like getting out of bed.

At 25+ years you get 8 weeks, lol. It’s common for people to take off from Thanksgiving to New Years.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
Several companies (all with majority salaried professional employees) have already transitioned to unlimited sick days. In almost every case, sick day usage declined. The two factors cited most are that people don't have the use-it-or-lose-it incentive for an expiring bank of days off and that because people actually stay home when sick, there are fewer illnesses overall.

Remember the "Nationwide - your child will die" Superbowl commercial? Oof.
I've been hearing the opposite -- companies switching to limited sick days (my previous employer) or no separate sick days at all (my current employer). This is all in the spirit of eliminating pensions, switching to 4/10 schedules, and other worsening working conditions.


Autocross Champion
Hither and thither
I work for a private company with great PTO accrual. I’m 27, have been there since I was 17, and come October I’ll be in the 3rd PTO bucket (all time off is lumped together into generalized PTO), which is 6 weeks (up from 4.5). I also work hourly, so any week I take a random day off, I don’t have to use my PTO since I work 9-11 hour days normally.

we were also allowed to carry 2 weeks into this year so by the end of the year I will have had a total of ~ 7 weeks PTO, not including the random days I take off here and there bc I don’t feel like getting out of bed.

At 25+ years you get 8 weeks, lol. It’s common for people to take off from Thanksgiving to New Years.
Are you unionized?


Autocross Champion
NJ, one of the nice parts.
2017 GTI Sport
I have 8 personal days, or more accurately 64 hours of personal time which I can use in units as small as an hour. If you don't use them they pay out the left over hours. The hours automatically refill Jan. 1st.

I also have off Dec 24th-Jan 2nd every year and since the hours refill automatically people will still call out the first day back. 😄

Salaried employees have unlimited personal time.

Dog Dad Wagon

Autocross Champion
Go Birds
16 Touareg TDI
Are you unionized?

nah, the company just takes good care of its people because that’s what makes us succeed. I started making sandwiches in the deli in high school, and I worked my way up through college and since to being a POS Engineer in IT. The whole culture is about investing in people so they are passionate and excited about their jobs, and providing avenues for growth. Bringing bottom-up knowledge to corporate is extremely valuable to the business and they do a good job of maintaining the talent pipeline.

Again it’s private, family-owned. I also get a profit-sharing bonus and private-stock that Has grown on average 20% every year since the ESOP was introduced in 1965. Last year the Chairman, the son of the founder of the company, gave his retirement speech about the stock price when the ESOP was established back then, what it is now, and what that meant to any individual who happened to be around for that duration.

$1 of Wawa stock in 1965 is like $88 now lol.

Half of corporate has been around since the 90’s, and there’s a few old heads who have been around since the 80’s. They all have tens of millions in stock, especially since Wawa had a stock buyback in 2004 where employees could elect to exchange the ENTIRETY of their 401Ks for equivalent stock.

im vested now, and in 2029 the DuPont family’s 20% stake in the business expires at which point the company will do another one of those 401K exchanges. I’m hoping to retire at 50 lol