New speeding laws in B.C.


Go Kart Champion

Get caught going 40km/h over, and your car gets impounded?

Personally, I find this new legislation excessive, especially considering that this same government's Solicitor General got caught for excessive speeding last year!

Say you're doing 120km/h on a 100km/h freeway, and don't brake in advance of a change to 80km/h (as we don't usually have the speed zone change signs they do in the U.S.). Get tagged by the cop who will surely set up with laser to take advantage of this, and you'll now lose your car for 7 days, and pay about $1300 in penalties, minimum.

Speeding is illegal, I understand that, but the punishment should fit the crime. This is completely over the top.


Honda Kick-ER
Richmond, B.C.
your car got impounded? D:
hope everything works out mike
but nothing can compare to my car D':
im goign to ask my body shop guy if they can get me the oettinger front bumper instead of the oem one cuz they needa replace the front anyways


DSG Fart Fanatic
Its not important...
2007 GTI
Welcome to Ontario.

50km/h over the limit and you could face up $10k in fines, roadside vehicle seizure and license suspension. Its been like this for the last like 8 years(?) and it fucking sucks. Although I will say you almost NEVER see anyone street racing anymore where I live which is probably the point of putting that law in place.

Granted, 40-50 over the limit is speeding pretty blatantly but again like the OP said there are times where you're not being an idiot and limits change... 40 is even worse than the 50 we have, however it looks like your penalties aren't quite as severe as ours.

I hear you though, life is unfair.


TS Auto Design
W.Vancouver/ Hong Kong
Audi B7 2.0T/ VW MkV
your car got impounded? D:
hope everything works out mike
but nothing can compare to my car D':
im goign to ask my body shop guy if they can get me the oettinger front bumper instead of the oem one cuz they needa replace the front anyways

i don't think mike's car got impounded, he is just telling us there is new law, and i hope everything ok for your car

by the way...that law is just stupid...impound for 7 days and $1300 penaties??


Go Kart Champion
Thanks guys; my car is fine! :thumbsup:

Just mentioning the new law, which comes into effect September 20th.

I feel for you guys in Ontario! You've had it tougher for quite a while, I know. 40km/h is a little less of a margin for us, but true, the fines are comparatively much lower as well.

It's just sad to see things getting clamped down so tight. I'd wonder out loud if it was necessary, but if it is killing the street racing culture back East, then I guess it is. I just hope the cops enforcing this law use due discretion.

Oh, and Curtis, good luck with the repairs, man! I hope you get that bumper. :biggrin:


Ready to race!
Wow I guess I should consider myself "lucky" I got caught excessive speeding a few months ago..


O'doyle rules
2007 VW GTI 3dr 6MT
It's a bit harsh and a blatant money grab but I'm kind of glad of it. Every summer those of us here in the Shuswap/Okanagan/Kootenays etc. have to deal with scores of retard Albertan drivers that think a Suburban/lifted pickup truck towing a boat is a sports car. Tickets are easy to wriggle out of especially for out of province drivers so impounding their vehicle and wrecking their vacation might knock them down a peg.

They should really crack down on the idiots who drive at 70km/h on the Trans-canada.


Not speeding is gonna be hard, especially when I go BT or K04:biggrin:


Bunny-hopping Rat
Wow, that is such a ridiculous new law... there are countless areas on our bc roads that you cannot possibly punch down to the slower speed in the space they give you between the highway and slower street...

I always agreed with the excessive speeding tickets but impound and for 7 days... just wow...


O'doyle rules
2007 VW GTI 3dr 6MT
thats lame.

new law in Ohio is if they think you are speeding they can pull you over and give you a ticket.

I'm not 100% sure but I think they can do that here too. It's called something like "Failure to obey posted speed limit". Not sure if it's worth any points or not.

They can also give you a ticket for going to fast for the conditions. Like if there's a ton of snow on the road and you're doing 90 km/h in a 90 zone in your Subaru (because snow really doesn't affect them much). If a cop sees you and deems that the maximum safe speed for the current conditions is 60 km/h he can give you a ticket. Really stupid law in my opinion because the safe speed for a condition is really up to the driver, their car and their tires. I guarantee I'm in more control at 90 on an icey road than your average minivan fuckhead is at 50.


Never has enough power...
1300 in penalties PLUS paying for storage for 7 days... and then on second offense its 30 days and 3rd offense is 60 days...

Look at all the places where driving what would be considered normal on an equivalent road in most places would be excessive... Golden ears Bridge... a fully separated 8 lane highway with a limit of 60???? Or on the no. 1 between vancouver and coq. 80kph... you go 120 (the flow of traffic in most cases) you would get impounded... Raise the speed limits to reasonable numbers like 110 on highways at least and 80 on B roads etc etc...

twisted by dezign

Interiors win races
Edmonton, AB
08 Stage 2+ GTI
I got busted by Chilliwack on the 1 going 53 over since some idiot was going so slow in the left lane that I decided to pass him going downhill (and I didn't sustain that speed, just wanted to get in front of him). The cop was lasering everybody going downhill. :/ Luckily that was during the Olympics and not after September 20.