Barefoot Runners



These were just released yesterday, someone at my gym manages a NB store (dad used to own it) so we were able to get pre orders in and have them yesterday morning waiting for us :)

Started to use them part way into my lifting and instant improvement over the standard running shoes I had on... which I knew would happen and shouldn't have been lifting in my other shoes anyway.

Wore them the rest of the day felt great.

Ran with them this morning. First 2 half mile sprints then some other workout stuff/stretching/rest, back out for a 5K with the next group as it is part of a baseline everyone is doing.

I haven't specifically run a 5k outside roughly 3mile training runs and a sprint tri I did (i did a 5K with teh GF but ran part of it backwards and just goofed off).

Technically a PR today even after the sprints and other working out. Also didn't have my HRM with me and back on some medication that makes my heart rate spike bad. I was feeling great. I won't 100% credit the shoes but they helped a lot with being more efficient overall.

This is probably as close to barefoot as I'll get so just wanted to toss up a little review in this thread as a neat alternative to the 5 fingers. Bought the GF a pair also but they were a little too small so waiting for the exchanged pair, she runs barefoot on the treadmill so will be interesting to see how she likes these on the track (she runs at the Y)

Oh technically these are the trail shoes and will be using them mostly on the road, but the road ones have a decent sole and heal still so not really close to a barefoot shoe from what I understand.

They do warn you to train into them slowly and i was a little sore after the sprints but then fine after the 5K. I never put them back on though and have been walking around the office in socks all day, will be interesting to see how they fell when I put them back on in a few.

NB has a 30 day money back guarantee so anyone interested can't really hurt to try.. well unless you hurt yourself :)


Boise, Idaho
For you guys that have tried barefoot running, does it translate back into the running shoe? I'm currently working on joining the army and got my ass handed to me by a pittly 2 mile run, I won't mention how poorly I did cause it's fuckin' embarrassing. I need to get this 2 miles below 17 mins comfortably and while in service I'll need to wear shoes. I'm not sure I want to expend the time and effort getting good unclad then be boned while shoed.


Yes because it will adjust your gait and how you land which you can do in a regular shoe as well.

Agreed, I have started some run specific training recently and even with my normal running shoes on just working on a forefoot strike like you would barefoot can translate to and be done in normal running shoes. The issue with normal running shoes and doing it is they weren't really built for it and now how they hold your foot so it can take more effort to learn it in normal shoes.

Do they give you certain shoes you have to run in? I know you wouldn't be doing it barefoot but if you can find a flatter shoe to train in and then do your qualifying runs in then even after one day with these i would suggest that.

I think I mentioned it earlier but you might want to check into what is called the POSE method. there are a bunch of videos on youtube and sites that show you the technique. I had a hard time really figuring out what the differences were just watching the videos personally even though i sort of understood it. A drill we did that actually finally made it click for me was sort of run in place on one foot. So you would hop a little on say your left foot and when it lands you flick your right heel up towards your butt. You rknee would go forward a little and you end up making a 4 with your legs.

You try and keep your feet always under you and you don't propel yourself forward by reaching further you lean at the ankles (not the waist).

I've only been doing it for a little while and yesterdays 5K was my first actual run trying to get it down but I could already feel a difference in speed and overall "abuse" on my body.


Ok 24 hour update.

Put them back on after work last night and the slight curve up in the toe area I could feel in my left big toe compared to no shoes and being flatfoot all day. Which I also noticed after my half marathon on thanksgiving where I was attempting a more pose/forefoot type of strike was also bugging me. I tore/stretched some ligaments in my right ankle over the summer so I think my issue is still just regaining strength and balance in my left foot.

On that note got one of these for my birthday which i liked using in PT to work on balance and focus some strength building to my actual foot:

it is a be-balanced pad. I have it in my car so may play with it a bit during lunch.

Had some work meetings yesterday and then a dinner so didn't get home until around 10 and i could feel a little tight so was rolling out watching some TV.

Woke up this morning and OMFG my calves are tight. A few of the coaches at my gym mentioned that once switching to shoes like this and really working on POSE running that their calves were sore for a few days after running in them. I was overtraining for my half ironman last summer and constantly dealing with tight calves I figured how bad could a little 5K be.. OH I was wrong.. These things are going to take some getting used to. The shoes came with a warning to train into them and that is needed if you are coming from normal shoes.

So today I look ridiculous with my orange shoes and my diabetes socks on :)

PS you can get the diabetes stocks at a CVS for like 15 bucks each (note the box is NOT a pair) vs 60 for a pair of some running branded ones and I have personally felt they work great. You want them snug but not constricting I have fairly large calves and a large fits me great.


Boise, Idaho
Running shoes aren't issued but purchased, generally they are the same thing you'd find in the civilian world last pair I had in the Army round 1 was a pair of Reebok's. They were cool and all but after a long time eventually wore out. The pair I tried running in are a pair of 6 or so year old Adidas which were fairly cheap. All in all after seeing the barefoot doc vids I can say my running posture sucks ass and after thinking about it the heel strike makes a lot of sense as to why I did so poorly.

with the flatter shoe bit, I also have a pair of Adidas classic something-or-others this is the closest pair I could find.