Stance on spoiled kids?


central ma
Due to the fucked up way financial aid works a parent in some situations is better off blowing their kids college savings for a good reliable safe car for the kid to go to college with and having the cost of the car made up for with better financial aid.

The same also goes for the kid working over the table before college.

You worked, that'll be less aid for you, your parents saved, less aid for you. Oh you did "nothing" and your parents have "no" savings, heres tuition.

God bless america.


Ready to race!
Due to the fucked up way financial aid works a parent in some situations is better off blowing their kids college savings for a good reliable safe car for the kid to go to college with and having the cost of the car made up for with better financial aid.

The same also goes for the kid working over the table before college.

You worked, that'll be less aid for you, your parents saved, less aid for you. Oh you did "nothing" and your parents have "no" savings, heres tuition.

God bless america.

The truth and nothing but it


Most of the kids I knew in HS damn well knew they were lucky when their parents bought them a car and were very respectful. One kid got a 540 for getting a full scholarship to Columbia I think but couldn't take it due to not being a US citizen, odd the way his parents reacted to putting out a few hundred grand was spend another 50 but whatever. Another friend got an eclipse GSX when he won the state golf tournament which he had been working at since he was a kid and pretty sure also got him a scholarship. For both of those i took it as parents basically paying their kids for working very very hard, it wasn't a reward for their parents being rich.

The kids who seemed to be the worst were the ones that bought brand new 30K cars with their "own" money. By all means many of them had jobs, most just had bar/bat mitzvahs. Yes it is their money, yes some of them worked a whole 8 hours a week for 2 summers to buy their brand new grand cherokee. The sense of entitlement that came from that crowd was much much worse then those who were just outright given a car. The issue was that these people did have jobs so they felt they were the same as the kid working 30 hours a week at the grocery store just to help his parents pay rent. They didn't realize that yes they could buy a brand new car with the money from their job because their parents paid for everything else. I was the kid buying my own clothes, I bought my own bikes and bike parts, car, car parts, hell my parents never even bought me a CD.. I was fairly independent and didn't even eat dinner at home half the time as not to be a burden. Seriously one year for christmas I got a microwave, my brother got a toaster oven and my sister got a set of pots or something along those lines. We didn't care we knew my parents wanted christmas but we needed stuff for the family. The kids who's parents bought them cars seemed to get all this.. The ones that bought their own but only because they had 0 other expenses were the ones who were impossible to deal with

That being said i am a spoiled as fuck adult, just as I was graduating lots of things fell into place for my parents with their careers and they are now doing extremely well. I by no means take advantage of them but they understand that growing up my siblings and i didn't get a lot vs most of the people we grew up with and they help both my brother and I out when they can.


Don't Hate, Inseminate
Orange County
Due to the fucked up way financial aid works a parent in some situations is better off blowing their kids college savings for a good reliable safe car for the kid to go to college with and having the cost of the car made up for with better financial aid.

The same also goes for the kid working over the table before college.

You worked, that'll be less aid for you, your parents saved, less aid for you. Oh you did "nothing" and your parents have "no" savings, heres tuition.

God bless america.

so true. financial aid is fucked up in every way. a kid I know (should say not a friend) gamed the whole system so hard. he's going to Harvard, and since I know his family a bit I know his dad dropped his job (literally stopped working, he wasn't fired or anything) the kid's junior year. they only had to make a few lifestyle changes like selling a 2004 Cadillac for a complete POS 80s Toyota, but it ended up paying off because he practically has tuition completely covered. the dad can get back to working as soon as the kid's out of college and enjoy a nice lifestyle once again (and the fact that Harvard covered the kid's education simply because the parents went all pseudo-poor on the school).

there's plenty of stories like this one. I'm glad my parents didn't take that fucked up take-what-you-can route. I didn't even apply for financial aid because my parents knew we're too well off to get any help. My dad still promised me that he'd work his ass off my last few years of high school to completely pay for a top tier private university if I got into any and wanted to go. I did end up getting into a few great private schools, even got $13k in purely merit-based (not "oh you can add diversity") scholarships to USC, but I ended up turning those down to go to UCLA this fall. I decided that I would save my parents the $80k more those private schools would cost over UCLA or Berkeley because I felt that they didn't offer an education that was worth that much more over the top public schools in California.

It kinda sucked having to sit at awards ceremonies this year and looking through all the senior info packets that showed a bunch of my friends' names next to schools like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Columbia, Duke, etc., and my name was just next to UCLA (when I got into or waitlisted at a few of those private schools). UCLA is a great school and I'm proud of it, and I do certainly get the silent "damn!" face when parents ask me what college I'm going to, but I never get the "shit top of the class!" face that the kid going to Harvard of course gets (when I was ranked just below him at 4th in the class at an extremely competitive large school). Oh well, though, that's just how financial aid and college works in this country.


VR6 Turbo FTW!
Sarasota, Florida
2009 GTI DSG
I am with you on saving money.. got accepted to USF, UCF, and UF for fall semester.. But i am going to a small state run junior college first... Why would I do such a thing? because I can get my Associates degree for the price of a semesters tuition at UF