Anyone looking forward to GTA IV?

2008 GTI 6MT
hahah i hope i get into it as much as u ! i just got all the there are if u want!

Dial cheats into Niko's cell phone. Note: do not save after entering a cheat - this may cause problems, and may prevent you from unlocking certain achievements.



Weapons #1
(Baseball Bat, Handgun, Shotgun, MP5, M4, Sniper Rifle, RPG, Grenades.)

Weapons #2
(Knife, Molotovs, Handgun, Shotgun, Uzi, AK47, Sniper Rifle, RPG)

Remove Wanted Level
(Blocks achievement "Walked free")

Raise Wanted Level

Change Weather/Brightness

Spawn Annihilator

Spawn Jetmax

Spawn NRG-900

Spawn Sanchez

Spawn FIB Buffalo

Spawn Comet

Spawn Turismo

Spawn Cognoscenti

Spawn SuperGT

Complete Map - (with weapon, health, armor, pigeon, etc. locations)
Enter the URL "" into computers in the game

dude you are the man:thumbsup:
Jupiter, FL

Cheat mode
While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Enabling some cheats may prevent achievements from being earned.
Full health and armor
Dial "3625550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.
Full health, armor, and ammunition
Dial "4825550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.
Weapons tier 1
Dial "4865550100" into the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.
Weapons tier 2
Dial "4865550150" into the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.
Remove Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.
Add one star to Niko's wanted level
Dial "2675550150" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".
Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
Dial "3595550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.
Spawn Cognoscenti
Dial "2275550142" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".
Spawn Comet
Dial "2275550175" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".
Spawn FBI Buffalo
Dial "2275550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".
Spawn Jetmax
Dial "9385550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".
Spawn NRG-900
Dial "6255550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".
Spawn Sanchez
Dial "6255550150" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".
Spawn SuperGT
Dial "2275550168" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".
Spawn Turismo
Dial "2275550147" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".
Change weather and brightness
Dial "4685550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".
Secret map locations
Go to any internet cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to view maps that reveal all weapon, health, armor, vehicle, pigeon, ramp/stunt, and entertainment locations.

dude you are the man:thumbsup:
Jupiter, FL

i haaaaaaaaaaate how the car physics and the controls of this game, its slow and choppy when im trying to run from cops on foot its like shit shit shit im always dieinggggggg and i dont understand is there a certain order of what im pose to be doing? help me out
2008 GTI 6MT
i haaaaaaaaaaate how the car physics and the controls of this game, its slow and choppy when im trying to run from cops on foot its like shit shit shit im always dieinggggggg and i dont understand is there a certain order of what im pose to be doing? help me out

idk ur right about the physics of the game it is pretty bad, but they wanted to make it more realistic. its impossible for me to get on a bike i will automatically crash when i make a turn, it takes like an hour to brake so i screw up on some of the missions, but its ok as long as u drive slow youl make turns easily and the shooting in this game definetly makes up for it, the aiming is just amazing i love it and i love the RPG. im at 51% done so far, been playing it like everyday, it has been an amazing experience so far playing this game, im digging the main charater Niko hes pretty tight. idk about you but man this game was definetly worth every penny:bow:

P.S love the entrance of this game in the beginning and the song is so good!
2008 GTI 6MT
Well it's certainly not a 10

i give it a 10 everything in this game is perfect, the driving is hard but so what they made it closest to real life as possible, unlike gta san andreas and vide city where you cound make 100mph turns, in this game they made it real. the only bad part is the brakes, they suck balls but i still have to give it a 10 for the graphics, missions, everything overall this game deserves a 10